Common Issues, Men's Issues, Uncategorized

Emotional Detachment Disorder

Not officially listed in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) but is a significant clinical presentation that needs a specific modality of treatment. In essence it is the brain’s response to some type of early childhood trauma, abuse or neglect and is found more often in men than in women. Continue reading “Emotional Detachment Disorder”

Common Issues

Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable Coping with Anxiety

We all experience anxiety from time to time and I am sure that we could all agree that it is not  a comfortable feeling. We feel our heart rate increase, our palms are sweaty, mind if foggy, there’s pressure in our chest, we may tremble and our mind if foggy. Continue reading “Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable Coping with Anxiety”

Common Issues, Transitions

Adjusting to College

The moment that it becomes real that you are officially a college student may come when you are shopping for yourself at the grocery store and look down at the cart and all you see is a random assortment of Roman Noodles, Party Pizzas, body wash, an undersized trash can and a home air filter that you will always forget to replace. Continue reading “Adjusting to College”